Українське відділення Міжнародної асоціації викладачів англійської мови як іноземної

British Council Ukraine - IATEFL Ukraine Teacher Professional Development
Summer School 2018
The course content:
Values and beliefs on reflection and inquiry learning as characteristics of CAR
Contemporary approaches to professional learning
Steps of action research. Posing researchable questions. Planning data collection method. Data interpretation
Tips for doing action research. Key ingredients of effective CAR
Potential of CAR in making a difference in learning and teaching

01 - 07 July 2018

In spite of superstitions connected with the number 13 I can say that our baker’s dozen was a lucky one! Thanks to British Council and IATEFL Ukraine Teacher Development Course “Making a difference in learning and teaching through CAR” became a new, vivid and meaningful page in our teachers’ careers.

This year Summer School was an example of not only high professionalism but genuine friendship, persistence in achieving the goals and sincere support. We were not given “right answers” by our guru Tetiana Dekshna, Myroslava Loboiko and Ruslana Opryshko but as a result of their skillful facilitation we came back home with a “tool set” for implementation CAR & TAR strategies to support our students' success and address anticipated challenges. But I must admit that the research topic was not our only MUSE, the irresistible nature of the Carpathians was an eternal source of inspiration and it’s an exact place where you can scream “Eureca!!!” every day. Look forward to new meetings and wish you adventurous summer holidays!
Svitlana Bieliaieva

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